
It's bad luck to blog on a Friday night. Maybe.

And it's especially bad luck to blog on a Friday the 13th. Which, admittedly, tonight isn't. But nonetheless, I'm going to write up tonight's ride tomorrow and I don't plan to write up tomorrow's ride any time since that's not really my schtick, even when I do bike commute on a weekend, which is really quite rare. Maybe once or twice a year rare. Anyway, check back tomorrow or Sunday or Monday. Or not. Your call.

Hugs and kisses,

P.S. Remember when I wrote I would start ending all posts this way but then didn't and you were really relieved because that's not the kind of relationship you're looking for with your local bike commute blog? Sorry.


  1. I failed you by not providing a mid-ride beverage stop.

  2. I have content and I have had beer, but there's Bolton-QPR tomorrow and I'm gonna need something to do.

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  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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