
Rides 2/9: blah Monday

A particularly blah Monday. The blah followed me from the bike and into the office and then from the office and back onto the bike. Sometimes you can't quite shake the blah. The cold drizzle on the way home didn't wash the blah off either. It wasn't the worst cold drizzle, but it was a nice reminder after Sunday's weather wonderfulness that it's still February and we shouldn't count spring chickens before they hatch.

In the morning, I rode to a place to buy some breakfast tacos and they were just ok. Maybe I made the mistake of eating them at work instead of as soon as they were made, but I don't think that would've changed their overall lack of zest and zing. I took 15th past the park and up the hill, which might have been the first time I've ridden the Ogre up that way and to Fuller and Columbia and over the bridge and up the hill to Cleveland Street, which could have a bike lane, but doesn't. I doubt, without a doubt, that the LOS (or whatever the technical terminology for 'traffic flow' is) justifies the need for the sometimes variable two lanes each way on what should be a pretty quiet residential street. But I am not an engineer. I've never been to the front of a train, much less driven one. Anyway, I think I've written about this street's lack of bike lane before, or at least I should have. It's a pretty glaring omission in a network that could otherwise connect from Massachusetts Avenue to Connecticut Avenue.

On the way home it was Mass to 21st to L to 15th and the drizzle started somewhere around Pennsylvania Avenue and continued the rest of the way home. I can't remember any funny license plates from this trip, but the other day, I saw one that was KIWI GRL and it's always nice when New Zealanders advertise their nationality without resorting to driving on the wrong size of the road and/or performing a haka if you call them out for parking in the bike lane.

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