
Ride In 4/28

There are days when I listen to what Tony and Tucker tell me and there are other days when I don't care. Today, I cared. While sometimes the word "funnel" in front of something means delicious carnival snack, other times it means deadly weather event. And though I was fairly confident that the most terrible of the oncoming storms would miss DC, I wanted to lessen my likelihood of being caught in even just a bad thunderstorm, so I left home earlier than usual in an attempt to beat the storm. Is this the plot line for the upcoming movie Twister 2 in which Helen Hunt and Bill Paxson play bike commuters trying to avoid tornadoes rather than track them in their super van? I sure hope not. That would be a terrible movie.
I took my usual storm precaution of riding down Wilson, which is superior for its many stopping-off points (7-11, Starbucks, Telecommunications Industry Association) in case the weather got too bad. Luckily, it didn't.
I think I might be more patient than most other bike commuters. I don't mind waiting behind a car or two at a stop light. There's no use cutting to the front if they're just going to pass you as soon as the light changes.
I saw the all-electric-powered Arlington mobile visitor center and rode alongside of it for a few blocks. While this visitor center does many things, like:
provide visitors shopping, dining, sightseeing and entertainment information for Arlington and the region. Guests can pick up tourism materials and get personalized guidance for exploring the capital area. They can also experience local sights and sounds on the center’s high-definition screen; locate neighborhoods, Metro stops, shopping venues and other key sites on a large map display; or have a team member arrange dinner or theater reservations via a wireless laptop 
It apparently doesn't do this while driving. That's a shame because I was really hoping to set up a dinner reservation. There's a charming Taco Bell on Lee Highway.
Maybe someday I'll take pictures of all the bikes I pass by that are chained to sign posts. Perhaps on a day when it's nicer and there's sun and I'm not trying to beat a torrential downpour. I wonder how many of them are abandoned and how many of them are just neglected. If you don't want your bike any more, just give it to these guys instead of leaving it as sad street art.

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